New: HEPA filter lifting table

HEPA filter cassettes were originally designed to filter radioactively charged dusts.
Due to that fact, they had to be changed fully contamination free and had to make a completely different and easy method to change used HEPA cassettes possible.

In order to make this contamination-free filter change method ergonomic and easier for the operator, we have constructed a tailored standardized lifting table for the 1st and 2nd HEPA filter cassette change.

The filter lifting table consists of:

  • Tailor-made filter lifting table, which can be docked to the 1st and 2nd HEPA filter stage in each module.
  • Platforms for the 1st HEPA filter cassette change
  • Ladders for the 2nd HEPA filter cassette change
  • Plastic bags with gloves.
  • Sealing tools for plastic bags.

As the filter lifting table is according to the HEPA filter units standardized, it can be used for all self-cleaning HEPA filter units from the same series from 2 – 8 modules.

For changing HEPA filter cassettes the filter unit must be set to the filter change mode, which turns the unit off and cannot be started by remote controls.

The following lifting tables are available:

HEPA filter lifting table type for single line HEPA filter unit series types For twin line HEPA filter unit series types
HFLT 10/1.2 MMS 10/2-8.2 MMS 19/2-8.2
HFLT 20/1.2 MMS 20/2-8.2 MMS 40/2-8.2
HFLT 24/1.2 MMS 24/2-8.2 MMS 48/2-8.2
HFLT 28/1.2 MMS 28/2-8.2 MMS 56/2-8.2

See pictures for filter change procedure: